This past week was a hard one. A few days ago we were on our way to a friends funeral when we got a call that Bruce's brother had been rushed to the hospital, we spent the last few days at the hospital and had to say our final good-byes to him today.
Bruce and I have had some health problems. Bruce had a basal cell carcinoma removed from his face a few days ago, and I have been having problems with one of my knees which may require surgery. Our hearts are heavy with worry for loved ones. We've had some sleepless nights. There have been days of pain and sorrow.
But, as I sat down to look at pictures to post of the past month I realized that tucked in between the pain and sorrow have been some wonderful times spent with friends and family.
I am reminded that in our times of pain and sorrow God hears and answers our prayers and it is usually through someone else that he brings us peace, joy, and serenity. I am so grateful for my little grands who light up my life, whose warm hugs ease my troubled mind. I am grateful for my sweet daughter and her husband who I can always depend on, and my awesome husband who is my rock. I am grateful for a sister who never stops believing in miracles. I am grateful to have my mother in my life and to know that she is only a phone call away. I am grateful for friends who love me, who call me, and send me little text messages to let me know they are thinking of me. I am thankful for my girls in Ukraine who love me. I am thankful for my dear friend Kim who reminds me of what fun we had being young mommies together. I am thankful for all of these Gifts from my Heavenly Father.