Our daughter, Karrissa works as a hair stylist each Tuesday so
Bruce and I watch her 4 kids while she is at work
Bruce and I watch her 4 kids while she is at work
It never fails ever Tuesday night I find myself wondering
why my back aches,
why I'm so tired,
why I got so grumpy with the children by the end of the day
I keep thinking,
"It can't be that hard,
they are really good kids,
I should be able to handle them one day a week,
I was a mom, I did this before. I raised two kids.
I studied Child Development
I should be able to keep 4 kids happy all day.
I carefully plan our day, we go to the gym for a few hours in the morning, come home, have
lunch, the little boys take a nap,
Wyatt goes to school and Monroe and I have some alone
time with me to make playdough, or do an art project, or read books.
When Wyatt comes home we'll go for a walk, or go to the park, and then by that time Brad will
come pick them up.
It sounds good
But it never seems to go the way I plan it!
no matter how prepared I am things seem hectic,
even chaotic at times.
It shouldn't be that hard,
I am not doing this alone
I have my husband here to help
and most days I have my mom here as well
and most days I have my mom here as well
so there's always an extra set of hands to......................
get baby Cash out of the bathroom toilet,
clean up a spilled glass of milk,
get Cash out of the closet before he pulls out the vaccum or Bruce's tool box
to help Maverick to the toilet before he pees all over the floor,
Even getting the kids in the car to go to the gym is a production,
finding shoes,
carrying Cash out to the car while I keep an eye on Maverick so he doesn't go into the street
Making sure everyone goes to the bathroom before we get in the car
strapping the little ones in car seats,
making sure everyone has a clean face,
sometimes this is when I notice Cash has gotten into something and his shirt is dirty or his
diaper is dirty, then I have to make sure I brought the key to lock my front door, my gym card
the diaper bag, a snack
for the kids when we get done at the gym
When we get home we only have a few minutes before Wyatt needs to go to school so
I try to find an activity to keep the big kids happy outside for awhile
This is usually when the big kids tell me the younger kids "keep messing things up"
or when someone comes to get me to get the ball out of the tree or the neighbors yard or
to break up a squabble,
then it's time to
or when someone comes to get me to get the ball out of the tree or the neighbors yard or
to break up a squabble,
then it's time to
get Wyatt's lunch ready for school
I am so grateful for the extra hands to help with all this
Someone has to drive Wyatt to school and pick him up in a few hours,
If I do this myself Cash will fall asleep and the 15 minute car nap will replace his two hour
afternoon nap.
I am grateful that Bruce and my mom are there when we take our afternoon walk because I
need the help with
finding 4 sets of shoes ( I know they should be right by the door but Cash likes to move things)
and putting them on when it's time for a walk
I need someone to
watch the other 3 kids while I'm strapping the baby into the car the stroller
or to hold Maverick's hand so he doesn't go out in the street when we go out the front door
I need someone to
help hold hands when we cross the street
help hold hands when we cross the street
to push kids on the swings, and keep Cash from eating the sand at the Park
and when we get back home I need someone to help make surethe kids have snuggle time
and when we get back home I need someone to help make surethe kids have snuggle time
interesting thing to share with us
I haven't had to think about so much stuff at one time for a long time.
That's one of the cool things about getting old.
When it's time to go somewhere you just have to remember where you left your glasses and
grab your purse and go.
Thank goodness I have my mom and Bruce to help
but I have to say....
I wouldn't have it any other way
I couldn't wait to come home from Ukraine to be here with my family again.
I love how when Karrissa drives up all four of the kids run out of the car to hug me as they call
"Hi NANA" and run into my arms and hug me like they haven't seen me for weeks, even if
It's Wednesday and they were just here all day the day before
and maybe I was a little grumpy by the end of the day
I love being Nana
as long as my mom and Bruce are nearby to lend a hand I think we'll all be just fine